CROATIA - OneSails


Loft is located in the heart of town of Split, within the oldest and most succesfull Sailing Club Labud next to the ACI Marina Split.
The company can offer a professional and qualified sail care and repair services for sails and other equipment as well logistic and consultants services from expiriened.

Office: +385 21510881
Service Mobile: +385 912866633

Loft manager. Mechanical engineer, four times Olympic sailor in Finn class and America's Cup trimmer with +39 Challenger in Valencia 2007. Expert in many technical areas.

T. +385 912866633

Flor menager. Boris is expirinced sailmaker (15 years) as well pasionate sailor in ORC /offshore boats as trimmer and bowman as well radio control IOM class sailor

T. +385916181000

Zorica has 40 years of expirience in tailoring and sewing in differnet areas but last 20 years in sailmaking. Expert for processing all kind of cloth

Lorena is working allready 10 years within our onesals team. Specialist in processing all kind of cloth.

Marin is expirienced sailmarker. Has working expirence also from other sailmakers system.

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