The OneSails group has a shared passion for sailing and the sea. Respect for the environment keeps us focused on how we can continually improve the sustainability of our sails.
Our commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of our sails is centred on the materials and what happens to a sail at the end of its life. In 2015, OneSails launched 4T FORTE ™ sails and membranes recycling process. Awarded ISO 14040 Life Cycle Assessment Certification, 4T FORTE ™ are the only fully recyclable membranes on the market today.
Membranes and their assembly have been engineered for highest standards in terms of environmental impact and recyclable options. Glues, resins and solvents have been replaced by heat fusion and the base polymer is 100% recyclable in a standard waste separation process.
Overholder de højeste standarder for miljøpraksis og ansvarlig indkøb af materialer og energikilder.
Sejl lavet i 4T FORTE produceres med et lavt niveau af CO2-udledning til atmosfæren og uden brug af forurenende stoffer som lim, harpikser og opløsningsmidler.
Ved slutningen af sejlets levetid genbruges disse sejl inden for de normale genvindingsprocesser for polyethylen-baserede råmaterialer for at generere PE-pellets.
Polyethylen-pellet anvendes til produktion af tilbehør (såsom flynder), der skal bruges i produktionen af nye sejl.
For the first time ever!
Over 10 years of research and development have led to the creation of sails that win in regattas, last over time, have low CO2 emissions during production and can be recycled at the end of their life.
Matt Sheahan spent two days inside the production facilities in Italy looking closely and learning how sails are made and how OneSails is at the forefront of sustainable sailmaking.
For the first time ever!
Over 10 years of research and development have led to the creation of sails that win in regattas, last over time, have low CO2 emissions during production and can be recycled at the end of their life.
From this idea were born the MARKERS deriving from the sails used in the Vendée Globe by Pip Hare made by @carioca_italia
We strongly believe in sustainability. Our commitment is concrete and certified according to: ISO 14021:2021 and ISO 14001:2015 by independent auditors (IQNet).
Flexon Composites fabricates the 4T FORTE™ membrane, designed to be recovered at the end of its life. The membrane is shipped to sailmakers for finishing.
The process of making a sail includes:
At the end of use, accessories are removed to allow recycling. Membrane collection and disassembly are handled by the OneSails network in cooperation with Flexon and PoliEco, which offer the possibility of properly preparing membranes for recycling into reusable PE granules.
To prepare the membrane for recycling, the Loft, following instructions for the effective separation of components provided by Flexon, must:
Recycling will produce PE granules that can be reused in the plastics industry. Recovery depends on the presence of collection networks and recycling plants. Without them, Flexon and OneSails can handle the collection and sending to European plants.
OneSails can deliver 4T FORTE™ main sails with integrated thin cell PV panels, which regenerate the yacht’s batteries using solar energy.
Due to the high modulus construction of the 4T FORTE™ composite material, the impact of the PV panels is minimal in terms of the sail’s characteristics and performance.
For example, the Spirit 44CR(e) is a fully electric yacht designed and built by Spirit Yachts. To fit with the owner’s brief of ‘near total self-sufficiency’, OneSails worked closely with Spirit Yachts and Solar Cloth to integrate solar panels into the 4T FORTE recyclable mainsail. The three panels on each side of the sail have the capacity to regenerate 560watts, or 1,120watts total for both sides of the sail. Solar panel technology is always improving and OneSails is continually testing and developing new solutions.
Over de sidste 15 år har OneSails’ designteam udviklet eksklusive teknologier for at gøre et fuldstøbt kontinuerlig sejl til virkelighed for cruise- og racingbåde.
Funktioner som vægt, formkontrol og deformationmodstand betyder bedre ydeevne sammenlignet med traditionelle panelsejl.
Sejlene er designet og fremstillet efter de højeste standarder med omhyggeligt udvalgte komponenter for at sikre den højeste kvalitet og holdbarhed. 4T FORTE™ membraner fremstilles eksklusivt i Italien. Hele samlingsprocessen foregår på én unik fabrik, der sikrer, at alle krav og standarder overholdes.
De bedste sejl faconer er et resultatet af kontinuerlig analyse og erfaring. OneSails er i spidsen for sejlfremstillings industrien og investerer løbende i forskning og udvikling for at sikre, at de allerbedste sejl faconer er tilgængelige. Succesen med denne tilgang bekræftes af det store antal trofæer, som OneSails-kunder har vundet ved nationale, internationale og verdensmesterskaber.
En kerneaktivitet for hvert OneSails Loft er at levere førsteklasses service, support og assistance. Som en del af vores serviceforpligtelse har hvert OneSails Loft et team af eksperter til rådighed for at sikre, at vi kan leve op til vores serviceløfte. Ud over et voksende antal hovedlofter har OneSails Group et omfattende netværk af servicecentre, der er strategisk placeret langs hele verdens kystlinje.
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