Cruising Symmetric and Asymmetric Spinnakers

Fast, safe and easy to handle

The Downwind cruise sails by Onesails are designed for a safe and easy navigation even with a short handed crew. All the designs are developed with CFD simulation because the first aim of OneSails that is Quality and attention at all the details. The materials used are the best and selected to work properly under load, in a way to offer the best solutions to any customer. The Spinnaker and the Gennaker by OneSails can be provided with a special bag, the sock or a special furling system studied to simplify the dip.


De nye kabelløse flyve sejl:
lette, alsidige og nemme at manøvrere

  1. Forbedret aerodynamisk ydeevne.
  2. Struktur integreret i sejlet, som muliggør rullning uden en anti-torsionskabel.
  3. 35% Lavere faldspænding, sammenlignet med et traditionelt sejl med kabel
  4. Uden et kabel kan sejlets forlig designes til at projicere fremad og til luv, hvilket forbedrer sejlets ydeevne med bredere vinkler.
  5. Nem at håndtere, det oprullede sejl er let og kan nemt foldes sammen og passe i sin taske.
  6. Stabil agterligsprofil, selv hvis det måles som en gennaker i henhold til DH, ORC- og IRC-reglerne.
  7. Lettere sejl (uden anti-torsionskabel).
  8. Skræddersyet finish og tilbehør

IFS Sail Codes


Sailing Activity

TWS Knots

TWA Degrees












Nylon with laminate luff







Nylon with laminate luff







Nylon with laminate luff

Downwind Sails Selection

The sails that is undergoing the most significant development today are the downwind sails. Now, with the help of better fabrics and sailmaking technology, these sails are both far more efficient downwind and so closewinded at 45° apparent wind.

FFR - Flat Furling Reacher

Exclusive design from OneSails​

It is an evolution of the code0 and is developed to maximize the yacht’s potential in light air and have much more control downwind in stronger breezes.

The FFR is constructed from an advanced high quality nylon that is specially selected for this particular application. The luff of the FFR is fitted with an integral torsion luff rope to enable quick and easy furling. The FFR is a practical, medium weight, easy to handle sail that will not take up too much storage space and is designed for shorthanded sailing.

The FFR best wind angle and range is for light wind and let to sail closer than 50 degrees TWA. The FFR also makes heavy airs downwind sailing much more controllable and stable through the use of the furling mechanism and the integral tensioned luff stay. Sailing under autopilot with the FFR is stress free and trouble free. Variations in course due the wave action or slow autopilot reaction do not cause the FFR to collapse. The sail behaves much like a Genoa, backing gently at the luff until the boat bears away.

PFR - Power Furling Reacher

Exclusive design from OneSails​

It’s a variant of FFR from which it differs for a deeper shape and a full width at half that goes over 75% of the base. It can be measured as a gennaker. Can be used in deeper downwind routes than FFR.

Code Cruise

Exclusive design from OneSails​

Code Cruise is a Code 0 with the cable and the UV band offering the following features:

  1. It is the right solution for customers that want to leave the sail hoisted all the time.
  2. Furling can be either bottom up or top down.
  3. This sail can be made in different materials (laminate, membrane or even nylon) to meet the customer’s sailing needs.
  4. It is fitted with UV protection on the leech and foot.


The gennakers by OneSails are designed for a wide range of apparent wind angle to avoid a continuous trimming during sailing. The Sails are controlled with fluid dynamic software simulations and optimized with the boat dimensions to get easy hoist and dip.


The spinnaker is an important sail for cruising and OneSails provide the experience of designers and sailors, giving the perfect equilibrium between the surface and wind range angles. The spinnaker becomes, in this way, a real enjoyable moment for the whole crew and they can sail downwind without stress.

Hvorfor vælge OneSails

1. Eksklusiv teknologi

Over de sidste 15 år har OneSails’ designteam udviklet eksklusive teknologier for at gøre et fuldstøbt kontinuerlig sejl til virkelighed for cruise- og racingbåde.

2. Performance

Funktioner som vægt, formkontrol og deformationmodstand betyder bedre ydeevne sammenlignet med traditionelle panelsejl.

3. Kvalitet

Sejlene er designet og fremstillet efter de højeste standarder med omhyggeligt udvalgte komponenter for at sikre den højeste kvalitet og holdbarhed. 4T FORTE™ membraner fremstilles eksklusivt i Italien. Hele samlingsprocessen foregår på én unik fabrik, der sikrer, at alle krav og standarder overholdes.

4. Design

De bedste sejlfaconer er resultatet af kontinuerlig analyse og erfaring. OneSails er på forkant med sejlmagerindustrien og investerer løbende i forskning og udvikling for at sikre, at de allerbedste sejlfaconer er tilgængelige. Denne tilgangs succes bekræftes af det store antal troféer, som OneSails’ kunder har vundet ved nationale, internationale og verdensmesterskaber.

5. Service

En kerneaktivitet for hvert OneSails Loft er at levere førsteklasses service, support og assistance. Som en del af vores serviceforpligtelse har hvert OneSails Loft et team af eksperter til rådighed for at sikre, at vi kan levere på vores serviceløfte. Ud over et voksende antal hovedlofter har OneSails Group et omfattende netværk af servicecentre strategisk placeret langs verdens kystlinje

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