Alongside the introduction of 4T FORTE™ sails, OneSails are the first sailmaker in the world to deliver sails with an electronic chip encapsulated in the membrane as standard.
The OneSD™ microchip will carry data which will help the end user and the OneSails network identify and monitor the sail over the course of its life. Simply place a suitable device next to the chip to read the recorded identifier and design data.
Currently is a tool used internally among the OneSails Lofts, but a PRO version of the OneSD™ chip will be introduced soon, providing important features for the owner.
The possibilities will be many: real-time recording of sail activity when connected to onboard systems, measurement of hours of UV exposure or the number of turns and gybes made. Everything will be recorded with the goal of keeping track of usage and improving sail performance and ownership experience.
Alongside the introduction of 4T FORTE™ sails, OneSails are the first sailmaker in the world to deliver sails with an electronic chip encapsulated in the membrane as standard.
The OneSD™ microchip will carry data which will help the end user and the OneSails network identify and monitor the sail over the course of its life. Simply place a suitable device next to the chip to read the recorded identifier and design data.
A PRO version of the OneSD™ chip will shortly be introduced which will allow real-time recording of the sail’s activity when linked to onboard systems. There are many possibilities, from hours exposed to UV, to the number of tacks and gybes experienced – all recorded with the aim of improving sail performance and the ownership experience.
Over de sidste 15 år har OneSails’ designteam udviklet eksklusive teknologier for at gøre et fuldstøbt kontinuerlig sejl til virkelighed for cruise- og racingbåde.
Funktioner som vægt, formkontrol og deformationmodstand betyder bedre ydeevne sammenlignet med traditionelle panelsejl.
Sejlene er designet og fremstillet efter de højeste standarder med omhyggeligt udvalgte komponenter for at sikre den højeste kvalitet og holdbarhed. 4T FORTE™ membraner fremstilles eksklusivt i Italien. Hele samlingsprocessen foregår på én unik fabrik, der sikrer, at alle krav og standarder overholdes.
De bedste sejl faconer er et resultatet af kontinuerlig analyse og erfaring. OneSails er i spidsen for sejlfremstillings industrien og investerer løbende i forskning og udvikling for at sikre, at de allerbedste sejl faconer er tilgængelige. Succesen med denne tilgang bekræftes af det store antal trofæer, som OneSails-kunder har vundet ved nationale, internationale og verdensmesterskaber.
En kerneaktivitet for hvert OneSails Loft er at levere førsteklasses service, support og assistance. Som en del af vores serviceforpligtelse har hvert OneSails Loft et team af eksperter til rådighed for at sikre, at vi kan leve op til vores serviceløfte. Ud over et voksende antal hovedlofter har OneSails Group et omfattende netværk af servicecentre, der er strategisk placeret langs hele verdens kystlinje.
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